Robotic Machines

Robotic Green Tires Painting

Mold Release Spraying

The system of robotic machines and logistic routes is customizable according to plant requirements of power, sizes, and cycle time. We stand proudly for our manipulation system for different sizes and types of tires. Our spraying machines may be fully integrated into the factory ICT or may work independently. We design a semi-automatic or fully automated system.

Typical specification

  • Agricultural, Industrial, OTR Tires, PCR, TBR, Bias and Radial, Self- & non-self supporting
  • up to 650 kgs Green Tire, Load Capacity Higher loads optional (gantry handling)
  • 8—54” bead diameter
  • 2,000 mm overall diameter
    2,200 mm width of green tire


  • Multiple inside and outside paint formulas

Machine integration

  • Connecting with factory databases (MES, ERP…)
  • RFID, QR or Barcode aided
  • Automatic QR or barcode scanning
  • Automatic cycles due scanned informations

Machine Vision

  • Camera 2D and 3D object location

Machine AI

  • Automatic fine positioning
  • Automatic cleaning cycles

Factory ICT

  • Full integrated in factory ICT, product management, SQL interface

Support & Service

  • Remote secure connection assistance & servicing
  • Advance reporting:  system logs, cycle time control, process optimization